Skills You Need For Working In Events

Problem-Solving Skills

Problem-solving skills are an essential part of being a successful event manager. It’s not uncommon for events to encounter problems, from unexpected weather to unforeseen staffing requests. This means that an experienced event manager needs to be able to quickly adapt and find solutions for these challenges.

Using problem-solving skills also includes being able to make decisions under pressure and sticking by them. This is a crucial skill because it allows you to move forward with an event even if something goes wrong, instead of delaying or cancelling it.


The devil is in the detail as they say, so having a flair for the minor things can be incredibly useful for an event planner. Whether that’s ensuring that all of the pick and mix vintage clothing at Worth the Weight is replenished on time, or that the various bands and DJs at a drum and bass event have clear set times for their performances, being able to think outside the box is essential.

Communication Skills

A strong communication process is the foundation of efficient event operations. Event organisers need to communicate with the entire event workforce seamlessly through a single channel to ensure everyone is aware of their roles and responsibilities.

Event organisers need to be able to think on their feet and remain calm in stressful situations. For example, if an event’s keynote speaker is running late due to traffic, the organiser needs to think quickly and keep the audience engaged until the speaker arrives.

Multi-Tasking Skills

Event planners must be able to deal with multiple tasks at once. They often have to make decisions on the spot during unforeseen challenges, and they need to keep their cool. This is a skill that comes with practice.

Some people are naturally organised and have a knack for keeping track of multiple tasks at once. This can help them stay on top of their work and avoid missing any deadlines. Apps such as Trello and Evernote can also help people manage their different tasks.
